October 5, 2020
Veterans United to Stop the Wall Join the No Border Wall Coalition

 Veterans United To Stop The Wall is a new wing of the No Border Wall Coalition and is composed of Laredo veterans young and old, both men and women, from different political parties, who served in every branch of the military. Official statement by Veterans United To Stop The Wall - hyperlink https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JlgOHsUQE2edU4IRrlaK3ZoSqGfhcmY_/view “We joined […]

September 30, 2020
CBP Wastes More Taxpayer Money with Two New Wall Contracts
August 18, 2020
“DEFUND THE WALL, FUND OUR FUTURE,” massive street mural completed

 More than 100 masked volunteers took to the streets of Laredo over the weekend to send a powerful message to Washington DC: “Defund The Wall” and instead “Fund Our Future.” People of all ages, including a group of grandmothers and numerous children, celebrated on Sunday morning the completion of the monumental project. They called […]

August 15, 2020
“DEFUND THE WALL, FUND OUR FUTURE” mural painting set for Saturday across from Federal Courthouse

Blocks from the U.S.-Mexico border on the doorstep of the U.S. federal courthouse, local residents will paint a massive street mural this weekend to send a message to the U.S. government that this South Texas border community is overwhelmingly against the proposed border wall. The 30 x 450-foot mural was approved unanimously by the Laredo […]

August 5, 2020
Don’t Mess With South Texas!: growing coalition challenges plan to build more miles of border wall through Laredo

Amidst a global pandemic and increasing COVID cases in Laredo, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol is scheduled to announce plans for another 18 miles of border wall along the Rio Grande, at a staggering cost to taxpayers of nearly $350 million. In response, a wide spectrum of local and state officials, together with the […]

August 5, 2020
Defund the wall, Fund our future Mural Campaign Video
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