If you have been approached by Fisher Sand & Gravel, the State of Texas, or a private company representing the State (for example, Universal Field Services) to sign an easement to build a Border Wall on your property in exchange for money,
DO NOT SIGN. First, learn the truth.
Talk to fellow landowners along the Rio Grande to hear the facts about what
Fisher Sand & and Gravel are planning to do to your land. If you sign, you may lose access to your land. The wall will carve a
PATH OF DESTRUCTION that will ruin the value of your property – forever – and harm your community. It is a danger to people and wildlife.
The good news is that if you refuse to sign, you can protect the value of your land. There may also be better financial options available to you if you choose not to sign.
We can offer you expert legal advice today -
Rio Bravo - Pastor David Delgado: 956-763-0274; ddelg@yahoo.com
El Cenizo - City Hall 956-724-5916 (Mayor Carina Hernandez)Leave a message with your information
here and we will get back to you right away: